In July of 2022, French global automotive supplier Valeo closed on a deal with German multinational technology conglomerate ...
This solar panel is so innovative, that you won't need air conditioning at home: The secret is in its strange color ...
In a world where people are increasingly turning toward alternative fuels, some options are easily overlooked in the race for ...
After the breakthrough of the invention that produces hydrogen out of nothing, a new color of hydrogen appears that could be ...
But, one can only imagine how NASA uses holograms and augmented reality to make scientists on the Earth ‘beam up’ on the ISS ...
New Mexico state is joining the likes of Alaska, California, Idaho, Rhode Island, South Carolina, and Virginia this month in ...
Windmills have been a symbol of the Netherlands since ancient times, a tradition that remains alive today. Far from being ...
Una serie de nuevas y espectaculares imágenes de orcas que han sido captadas mientras cazaban delfines en el sistema de la ...
Según una encuesta realizada a pedido de la empresa alemana Bayer, el 75% de los agricultores estaría dispuesto a incorporar ...
En el mundo de la tecnología sostenible y amigable con el medio ambiente, la supremacía es de la materia prima y la energía, ...
En el sector de la construcción, de forma continua se están presentando nuevas innovaciones que nos dejan con la boca abierta ...
Es probable que durante el estudio de la historia de España hayas escuchado sobre el curioso mito de las islas perdidas. Aquí ...