Boyd Sweinberg lives in a small town of about 2,000 people that is 94% white, but like many supporters of former President Donald Trump, he believes illegal immigration is a drain on the broader economy that could diminish his life in Harvey Lake.
The vice president made her first campaign visit to the Southwest border to lay out her border security and legal migration plans.
Vice President and Democratic presidential nominee Kamla Harris made a quick stop in the Bay Area to attend a campaign fundraiser at the Palace of Fine Arts in San Francisco.
Vice President Kamala Harris outlined her immigration strategy following a visit to the U.S. southern border, addressing one of her biggest vulnerabilities with voters.
Immigration is one of the key issues of the November election, with many voters concerned over the number of migrants who have entered the U.S. during the Biden administration
The vice president’s decision to travel to the border in Arizona represents an effort to directly confront a political vulnerability.
RNS is an independent, nonprofit, and award-winning source of global news on religion, spirituality, and culture. Founded in 1934, RNS seeks to inform readers with objective reporting and insightful commentary.
A small fly stole Donald Trump's thunder at the former president's rally on Saturday, causing him to rant about how things wouldn't have been like this years ago. Trump spoke at an indoor rally in Prairie du Chien,
Former President Donald J. Trump turned his sights on Charleroi, Pa., where many Haitians have settled in recent years, and he fueled a fire that was already smoldering.
Former President Donald Trump campaigned in metro Grand Rapids Friday, promising to revitalize the automotive industry if elected in November.
With Erie being a critical county in a key swing state, the former president used his campaign resources to bring his platform to Erie County. With the November election just around the corner, former President Donald Trump took his campaign to Erie’s Bayfront Convention Center on Sunday.